Smashing the Sacred
An education of the heart is also required; an ecological conversion with a metanoic transformation of both heart and mind...

One in Ten
Now on the way to Jerusalem he travelled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered one of the villages, ten lepers came...

She Chose the Better Part
Parents understand that their work is never complete, there is always something else to be done, loads of washing, another permission...

In 2014, spoken-word artist Gary Turk urged the world to ‘look up’ from their phone, to give people their love not their ‘like’ and...

Welcoming the Powerful Stranger
The following reflections are the synthesis of research and pondering in the lead up to the Guinness and God Series hosted by ACU and the...

The Equation of Influence
Mathematics has never been my strongest suit, except for the gold medal I won in the grade 5 multiplication competition (#humblebrag), so...

An offering of scraps
I’ve often struggled to make sense of Mark’s account of Jesus and the Canaanite woman who falls at his feet asking for Him to cure her...

All the Small Things
After finishing a slow breakfast with my daughter on the front balcony of the home we were staying at the beach, I was invited by my four...

God Laughed
When was the last time you laughed out loud, giggled until your ribs hurt or your mouth ached? My six-year-old son and I recently enjoyed...

As a father of four children, I have noticed the pattern of toys, clothing, and equipment flowing in and out of our house like the...