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Australian Marist Solidarity Education Resource 2019

Education creates transformational change across all levels of society and underpins the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. At Australian Marist Solidarity we believe in the power of education.

discover long-term systematic impact of education

Education and SDGs.jpg



Australian Marist Solidarity believes in the power of education and designed the following Project Based Learning activity to help engage and inform our Australian school communities about this vision. This PBL resource is flexible and can be used within a broad range of subject areas, student age groups, abilities and time constraints. We look forward to hearing how each school has selected to utilize the resource and hope that it meets the following objectives and supports the capabilities and skills.


Learning objectives

Students will develop the following:

  • A deeper understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals

  • Skills in research and presentation methods

  • A greater appreciation of the projects Australian Marist Solidarity supports in the Asia Pacific region

  • Make links between Australian Marist Solidarity, Religious Education and Social Science


General Capabilities
  • Literacy: written and visual language skills are developed

  • Numeracy: consideration of data and manipulating information in graphic formats

  • ICT capability: the project is driven through ICT and utilises websites and presentation software

  • Critical and creative thinking: analysis and synthesis of information into creative and engaging media

  • Personal and social capability: group and individual work, along with self-reflection and understanding of place in the world

  • Intercultural understanding: research, empathy and consideration of other cultures


Cross curriculum priorities
  • Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia: deep appreciation of links between Australia and Asia

  • Sustainability: consideration of financial resources required and the source of this funding

Skills of Inquiry
  • Observing, questioning and planning

  • Collecting, recording, evaluating and representing

  • Interpreting, analysing and concluding

  • Communicating

  • Reflecting and responding




Pre Project Survey: 

Complete online here


  1. Can you name a project that Australian Marist Solidarity are carrying out?

  2. Do you know which project your school is supporting Australian Marist Solidarity with?

  3. Have you heard of the Sustainable Development Goals? Can you name them?

  4. How many countries is Australian Marist Solidarity working in?






Imagine the following scenario... You are a 12 year old girl living in the Asia Pacific region with your parents and three siblings in a small house that was built by your father on the outskirts of town. You do not have access to education, medical treatment or electricity. Your parents did not attend school but work hard to provide food on the table and a roof over your head. You have never been to school.





Guiding Question: How will education help to sustain development in your community?


Working in groups, produce a 5-8 minute presentation to be delivered to Australian Marist Solidarity and outline how their support will make a long term systematic impact to your community through education. Your presentation must convince Australian Marist Solidarity to select your community for Solidarity Funding in education and link to the Sustainable Development Goals. As Australian Marist Solidarity is a Catholic organization, you must consider how your project meets the mission of their organization and the broader Catholic Church.


Presentation styles can include:

  • Powerpoint presentation

  • Video / animation

  • Oral Report


Ensure that your presentation addresses the questions outlined in the Process section.


The presentation must be both visually appealing and informative. Use of graphs and other diagrams to support your presentation of data is important. Include references to all information used in your presentation in your bibliography.


Your classmates will assign your group a certain amount of funding based on the quality of your presentation. They may be provided with an opportunity to ask questions to help their understanding.







Managing time:


  1. Select your country of focus (teachers may assign a country or region i.e. Timor Leste, Bougainville, India, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Cambodia or Bangladesh)

  2. Brainstorm (what do we know, need to know?)

  3. Research (where can we find information that we don’t have? Where will we save our information, google docs?)

  4. Analysis (what have we learnt in our investigation? What are the most important details?)

  5. Creative (how can we creatively and convincingly present our findings?)

  6. Draft (how can we improve our presentation?)

  7. Rehearse (make sure that you have timed your presentation


Collecting data:

Make sure that you use the links found in the Resources Section as a starting point for your research.

Consider the quality of the data that you collect, what is the source of the information, is it reliable?


Tips for working in group situations:

  • Group size should be no more than 3-4

  • Consider breaking up the key questions to be addressed between team members

  • Decide on how you will collate your information

  • Decide on which presentation style will suit the skills and interest of your group

  • Report any concerns to your teacher

Key questions to be addressed in the presentation:

  1. How are the Millennial Development Goals, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8 helped by education?

  2. What are the levels of poverty in your community?

  3. What quality of health and wellbeing exist in your community?

  4. What would quality education look like in your community?

  5. How much will it cost to setup and maintain a school?

  6. Does the government help to subsidize school costs?

  7. How might education help address issues of gender equality in your community?

  8. What benefit would education have in providing decent opportunities to work?

  9. How would an increase in work help to support economic growth in your community?

  10. Where has Australian Marist Solidarity completed similar projects?

  11. What is the mission of Australian Marist Solidarity and what role does faith play in their organization?

  12. How does this project support the mission of the Catholic Church?

  13. Why should Australian Marist Solidarity select your community for this education project?

  14. What would Australian Marist Solidarity need to be aware of as potential cultural, historical or religious issues in your community?

  15. What is a creative a slogan, poster, video or advertising campaign that Australian Marist Solidarity could use with Australian School students to help raise funds for the project?

  16. How can Australian Marist Solidarity help spread the word through and engage young people in the project? Consider effective social media engagement and other creative strategies.






United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


Australian Marist Solidarity projects


Child Poverty statistics in Asia Pacific countries


Gender issues in society


World Health Organisation data on health and wellbeing in Asia Pacific countries
(Chapter 9 page 19-21)


Catholic Church Social Justice and Mission


How to present data creatively


World Bank data information tool


Creative ways of producing a pitch


Samples of previous Australian Marist Solidarity presentations


How to producing convincing presentations


















We would love to see your presentation and share your great ideas with other Marist schools. Consider posting your ideas to our Social Media pages Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Ask your teacher to upload your presentation to the Google Drive folder






Congratulations on completing this project, we hope that you enjoyed the process of investigation and creatively presenting your findings. This is the sort of work that Australian Marist Solidarity does and if you would like more information about Internships and volunteer opportunities click here:



Post Project Survey


Complete online here


  1. How effective has this project been in developing your understanding of Marist Solidarity?

  2. To what extent has your understanding increased about the Millennial Development Goals?

  3. How much has your knowledge increased about the issues that young people face in the Asia Pacific region?

  4. How effective was your presentation in convincing Australian Marist Solidarity to fund you project?

  5. Would you like to learn more about Australian Marist Solidarity?


students pitch.jpg


click here



 Mob: 0451 681 735


Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm


This is a space for parents, educators, pastoral care providers and Faith Formators to share resources, ideas and the challenges of evangelisation and catechesis with young people. 


Canberra, ACT Australia

© 2017 by Nathan Ahearne @ Expressions Of Interest

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